The Colon: The "Inside Poop"

No if's, and's or but's!...

Anatomy | Physiology | Colon Cancer | Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis | Diverticulitis | Diagnostics, Treatments and Procedures | Wierd and Gross Things

This web site is designed for the students of the College of St. Mary Pathophysiology class (BIO 366) for reference (and entertainment) purposes only.  This site is not sponsored by or affiliated with the College of St. Mary and is owned and operated independently. 


Human Anatomical "Fly-Through"s


Textbook in Medical Physiology And Pathophysiology: Essentials and Clinical Problems, by Poul-Erik Paulev, M.D., D.Sci


Basic Anatomy


1.  Sublingual Salivary Gland
2.  Liver
3.  Rectum
4.  Cecum
5.  Colon
6.  Large Intestine
7.  Pancreas
8.  Pharynx
